Sunday, May 19, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Spring fever started to set in this week with one day actually hitting 80 degrees.  Gee, it really felt good.  But, as usual,  a week of good weather leads to a cool and rainy weather forecast for this week.

But the weather never affects the Scavenger Hunt.  Here are this week's prompts:

1.  Three

2.  Hand

3.  Fence

4.  Cuddly -  I put my cuddly, warm clothes away for the summer but these slippers are cuddly and I wear them all the time.

5.  Sign -  makes sense -----if you are not open then you must be un-open.

So that's what I found this week.  Please visit Scavenger Hunt Sunday to see what others have found.


  1. Lovely set. That hand is gorgeous.

  2. Such variety and all beautifully composed.

  3. what great choices this your hand. I am with you on the cuddly slippers, mine are out all year. And that un-open is a great sign.

  4. Awesome set. Very creative for 3.
    Absolutely love that Hand
    Cool looking Fence
    I have some cuddly slippers too that I always wear.
    Sign - Un-Open, how funny.

  5. Love that clever. Totally a Maine sense of humor. Creative take on 3 and I love the hand.

  6. Love all of these! That hand is so cool and since I love baseball, I think you nailed it on the three.

  7. Wonderful takes on this week's prompts!
    Love your creative thinking on 'three' and 'hand'.
    What a lovely ornate fence - great find!
    'Un-open' - seems someone else was in a creative mood. :)

  8. What an ornate fence! That Un-Open sign is funny.

  9. Very clever on the baseball photo! What an unusual hand! Did it come from the Mummy? I love it when I find things like your "un-open" sign. That would have been good for 7-up back in the late 60's, early 70's when they advertised it was the un-cola! :)

  10. Those slippers look soft and warm! Winter finally quit, it got hot and now the delayed spring rains are here. Tornado warning, an hour spend in the basement cleaning and looking at the photo albums that had to be taken down for storm season... trimming shrubs, cleaning up the yard, rainstorm prevented planting annuals...muddy flower beds.

  11. I love the fence - so intricate, and what a great shot!
