Thursday, January 2, 2014

Let it Snow

It's snowin' and blown' and I plan to spend the day inside.  But before I get too comfy in my flannels I had to get a couple photos.  It's only the second day of the year and I don't want to blow the commitment I made to myself to take a picture everyday.

I didn't venture very far from home.  Just up the street is a pretty little cottage that always looks so good in the summer.  I thought I would check out its winter look.


Day 2 of 365

Sharing today at Little Things Thursday.


  1. Stephanie these are precious. I am glad you didn't have to venture far...the white stuff can be very cold♥

  2. Wonderful photos! I am doing a 365 on Flickr. I started on my birthday in June so I am over half way done. It's not always easy, but I haven't missed a day. Good luck to you!

  3. What a great landscape to enjoy photographing! I would love some snow. I'm doing a 365 too, and I know it is going to be tough. Cheering you on!

  4. Whooot. Jumping on the 365. Good luck. It is quite the personal challenge. I like these shots you got today...especially fond of the green bottles.
    Thank you for your nice visit earlier today. I was feeling like I hadn't bumped into you-probably me been missing not you, but glad to catch up here.
    Being in the midst of my 3rd 365-never missing a day. Advice-take some photos, any photos in the morning-just get some clicks on the camera. Much harder to try and find "something" to take a photo of at 9 p.m. when it's dark. Having something in reserve lessens the stress. If you miss a day it's NOT the end of the world. A 365 teaches you lots-if you do 364 days, you still learn lots. The toughest days are the ones where you learn the most.
    Hope things go well, will be looking forward to seeing what you find out there.

  5. These photos were worth taking a little walk for. And good-luck on your 365! I'm in the middle, started July 1. We have a new Focusing on Life 365 group on Flickr. Here's our blog address: And here's the link for the 365 site: Hope to see you there!

  6. Glad you ventured out - the color contrasts here are wonderful! Charm!

  7. These are super shots, I love cottages this one looks pretty sparklin' in the winter too.
