Saturday, January 26, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

It was extremely cold this week so I was happy to find things around the house for this week's prompts.   After struggling with last week's prompts, this week was a piece of cake.

1.  Grandma's old sewing basket had these pieces of lace in it.


I seem to be attracted to shiny things. Must have been a crow in a previous life.

3.  For WOOD I actually went out into the cold to find this wooden fence.


5.   Fabric   -   This pretty lady was made with a collection of fabric scraps from chenille to frou frou stuff.  She looks like the type that lounges around  all day watching soap operas and eating bon bons.

So that wraps up another week.  Visit the other Scavengers at Ashley's Scavenger Hunt Sunday.


  1. Oh I LIKE that lace! What treasures you must have in your grandmother's sewing basket :)

  2. What attitude that fabric lady has!
    I agree with Kathy about the treasure's you must have in that sewing basket!!

  3. I love the wooden fence. Great capture.

  4. That spool of tatted lace is GORGEOUS! I have several doilies tatted by a resident in the assisted living where I used to work. Other doilies tatted by someone's Grandma have come home with me because I can't stand for all that work to be designated to the thrift store! You have perfect subject matter...

  5. Great collection! Nice pictures.

    Happy Sunday

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This is a great collection. I love your lace and I also love the wooden fence very much! I love bling too and I don't care if it's real or imitation. I even have a collection of flip flops covered in crystals.

    Wonderful shots! Happy Sunday! ♥

  8. These photos are so cool! The old lace? Divine. This is my second week linking up...I have really enjoyed seeing your interpretations!

  9. I love the lace from your grandmother's sewing basket. The thimbles they are wound on and the safety pin and wonderful also. What treasures. I love the old fence in the snow photo also. Reminds me of my aunt and uncle's ranch in Idaho.

  10. That wooden fence is great. It reminds me of my Lincoln Logs from my childhood :).

  11. I'm sure she does eat bon bons. Pretty lace shot today. It was cold. Way too cold. Hoping that's it. I'm ready for spring. Cancel any remaining cold and snow.

  12. Fuzzy Wuzzy is perfect and I love all the additional captions and frames you added to your pirctures. Your lace photo is also lovely! Great shots.

  13. Your lace shot look wonderful. But I also love your fuzzy shot. I enjoyed seeing your photos.

  14. Fun set of pictures. What pretty lace. Your fuzzy shot is sweet :-) Your bling is really fun!

  15. what a nice presentation for your promts, which by the way, are amazing!! loved lace but wood is my favorite!!

  16. Loved the doll... great interpretations for this week's words.

  17. Fabulous fence, cool pieces of lace and I love your fabric doll.

  18. Love the edit on the lace shot!

  19. Especially love the old lace and the fabric lady!

  20. Hi Stephanie,
    I enjoyed visiting you from Scavenger Hunt. I loved your pics. Your Bling comment was funny and your fence was really neat. BRRR. I would love for you to come see my link. I think you'll like it. My Bling is Snowmen!
    I enjoyed visiting and I am going to follow you.
    Have a wonderful week,

  21. Awesome finds. love the first photo
